I was born on: 1st April 2014
I came here: May 2014
I like to: sit with other cats
I don’t like: pills
I found my forever home: not yet…
Eeney, Meeney and Mo were found in Baile Felix, a thermal spa resort near Oradea, by a woman who was walking her dog. The hero dog heard the cries of the kittens and led his owner to them. They were found buried under some leftover construction materials and dirt, in a dumpster and it was a miracle they haven’t suffocated or haven’t been crushed. They came to us in 2014, a very difficult year for us all, both people and cats alike. The boys, Eeney and Mo were very careful when it came to people, while the girl, Meeney was a sweet friendly kitten. Things changed after they got sick and needed medical care: you just couldn’t touch any of them anymore…
More than half a year later, Mo was adopted but unfortunately, Eeney and Meeney did not find that one family who would accept them, so they stayed with us some more. Three years later, Meeney was finally adopted into a loving, understanding family, but Eeney is with us even now…
Meeney had gradually turned into a much friendlier cat, enjoying our cuddles, coming to us. But we cannot say the same about her brother, Eeney… He has improved a lot though, not running the way he used to, not hiding. Most of the times, we see him in a basket with other cats, very relaxed and that’s where we can pet him a little. He seems to like it, up to a certain point when he suddenly remembers that he’s supposed to be shy! So we once again, let him be… It’s such a pity though! He is gorgeous and has made beautiful progress; he’s just not there yet. Nevertheless, we see the signs of him gradually accepting us, people, not only cats and we started hoping that maybe, only maybe, he would not spend all his life in a shelter! Maybe, somewhere, there is a family for him, too, a family who, no matter how long it takes, can be his hero, accepting him for the big gorgeous guy that he is, who will give him all the time he needs to at least live his adulthood spoiled by people. Eeney needs to trust humankind again, get over his traumas and fears and learn that life is amazing if you have an understanding, supporting family!
As with any shy cat, miracles can happen if they are in the right places, with the right people. Would it be too much to hope for a miracle for Eeney too? We don’t think so. Eeney can recover, if he finds his own hero…
Adopting a cat from our shelter can only be done through an adoption contract. Why? Because we care! The conditions imposed by the Friends of Cats Association are easy to meet when the person who wants to adopt is a responsible human being and really loves cats.
Thank you!