I was born on: 7th May 2013
I came here: October 2014
I like to: be cuddled
I don’t like to: be told where to stay
I found my forever home: not yet…
Tushi is a special kitty. She came to us when she was just a kitten and… she stayed, mainly because a problem she has had for a long time and which recently got a name: inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There were months when our Tusi was feeling well and happy and it seemed that her problem was gone – especially in the summer. But, once the cold weather came back, also did the symptoms… after scans and multiple tests (the good news, if any, is that her pancreas is not affected), they came to the conclusion that there is no other solution but to separate her from the others so she can have a special diet – expensive, but good. And if that doesn’t work, we’d have to resort to an even more expensive treatment…
To isolate her… means to keep her in a room, so that she cannot have access to another type of food – and space is a problem we have, as there are many cats in our care and little space. But it also means she would be alone for many months from now and she is such a darling, a quiet cat who needs attention, care and understanding, but also a friendly and playful girl.
She’s jolly even now, most of the time, our dear sweet Tushi. But she has her bad days when she’s not feeling well and it hurts her… The BEST for her would be to go HOME – a home where she would be not only cared for and spoiled, but also… alone, or together with a cat who has similar problems. A home where her family would have the patience she needs so this beauty can recover as well as she can…
Hard to find such a home? It is because not many people would accept a cat who needs special care. But we can hope, can’t we? and if she must live her entire life with us, we’ll do our best to give her everything she needs and a lots of love to compensate for not finding a family – hoping that one day she’ll be well enough to go to her own forever home, without this problem of hers.
Adopting a cat from our shelter can only be done through an adoption contract. Why? Because we care! The conditions imposed by the Friends of Cats Association are easy to meet when the person who wants to adopt is a responsible human being and really loves cats.
Thank you!